Georgia Real Haunted Houses - Houses That are Truly Haunted

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The ghost that is believed to haunt this home is John Manson Dorsey, also known as "Manse" or "Manny." He was the flag bearer for the first company that left Fayette County during the Civil War. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Museums
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This historic home was built in 1914 by Mr. John Marshall Ashley and is now office space for the Douglas Coffee County Economic Development Authroity and Chamber of Commerce. It is still available for tours though! It is rumored that the home is haunted by at least one of the six people said to have died here, including a mother who died in childbirth, a grandmother who died of an... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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People have reported hearing unexplained voices at this plantation, along with seeing a mysterious mist that may follow you. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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Rumor has it that a ghostly little girl has been seen in the windows of this old Greek Revival house. Other reports say their cameras have failed to work just when they went to get a picture of the home, only to find that the camera works just fine when they leave! A ton of rumors surround this property. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This home was built in 1850 by architect John S. Norris. It was once the home of William and Juliette Gordon Low and it is now a museum. If you visit the home, listen closely as you tour because both guests and employees have heard the sound of unexplained footsteps. The staff at the museum believes the sounds are of "Old Tom," the Lows' longtime butler. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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The ghost of The Olde Pink House is its builder, General Habersham. Locals have stated that he most often appears in the tavern that is located in the building's basement. He has also been seen in the dining room upstairs. Reports say to keep watch for a man in general's uniform, who can be seen walking among the guests. Mrs. Habersham is also said to haunt the women's washroom in the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This building was once a Civil War hospital and is said to be haunted by its past patients. People have reported seeing shadowy figures and spirits in the dining area and have heard eerie shuffling sounds. The location is now empty. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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This tavern style building was build back in 1753 and was originally a sailors' pub. Some say that the ghost of Captain Flint of "Treasure Island" died upstairs, while others believe he is just a fictional character. Regardless of what they say, something appears to be quite active on the second floor of the home. Rumor has it that members of a ghost-hunting association came to check... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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Employees of this Harley Davidson store have reported seeing a spirit wearing a suit and hat upstairs, and the plumbing and electricity are known to work by themselves. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places
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Juliette Gordon Low was the founder of the Girl Scouts and The Wayne Gordon House is now a museum owned by the Girl Scouts of the USA. It is a popular location for Girl Scout troops to tour. The home was built from 1818-1821 and is currently open to the public for tours. People say that Sarah Gordon and her daughter in law Nellie Kinzie Gordon, the mother of Juliette, still remain in... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Museums
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This private estate was build in the 1800's and is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a disabled girl who was locked away here by her family. The spirit can be heard playing, according to the current owners. The location has appeared on an episode of TV's Ghost Hunters. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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The Eliza Thompson House was built in 1847 and was the home to cotton dealer Joe Thompson and his wife, Eliza. The couple had seven children, so when Joe was killed in 1855 when a horse kicked him, Eliza was left alone to raise their children. The home is now an inn and those who have stayed the night have seen a ghostly woman in white and a Confederate soldier's spirit, and have heard... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This inn was orginally built by Charles P. Ray in 1918 and he later died in the upstairs room. The current owners believe he is the ghost that haunts the place. Spirits of a man and woman have been seen, and creepy footsteps have been heard. Workers have reported that loaves of bread have been tossed through the kitchen and furniture is moved repeatedly. The ghost are known to play... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Kennesaw House was built in the 1840's as a cotton warehouse and was also a makeshift hospital and morgue during the war. A bunch of TV shows have featured the home and it is where visitors who descended to the basement in the elevator saw an active wartime hospital room. Another spirit is reported to live here, Mrs. Fletcher, wife of the second owner, who wears a pink dress and is... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Museums
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The Warren House was used as a hospital during the Civil War and the plaster has been stripped down in certain sections of the house to reveal the signatures of men who recovered there. People believe the ghost of a soldier still remains inside the home and that at night you can see him standing near the windows. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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Bonnie Castle is now reportedly closed but used to operate as a bed and breakfast inn. Spirits reported here include a woman named Mary who hates electricity, a spectral cat and a man who is believed to be the original owner. Eerie noises have been reported coming from the building at all hours of the night but the ghosts here are rumored to be friendly. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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From 1838-1868, this site was the home of Georgia's governors, then was a boardinghouse until 1879. It was then purchased by Georgia Military and Agricultural College. Ghostly things have gone on here including linens being thrown off beds and the smell of cigars. The occurences that seem to be more interesting are those produced by Molly, a former cook. Ghostly smells have been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Colleges
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The Gribble House is now a trolley tour warehouse and has been haunted by between 20-30 ghosts. One of the most diabolical murders in Savannah history occured in 1909 at this very location It was a Friday afternoon, three women were brutally murdered with an axe in broad daylight. Today, the home is a Paranormal tour where guests can come and use actual equipment to investigate the... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This location was once known as Vito's Pizzeria and Lounge but is no longer open for businesses. It is said to be haunted by a former owner who hanged himself on the grounds when the building was a private home. Reports have said chairs move on their own and a shadowy spirit was known to shoot through the dining room. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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Little Gardens was once an 1800s plantation style home and is now a venue for upscale events. The restaurant inside is rumored to be haunted by the spirit of a woman who died here in the early 1900s. According to witnesses, she moves silverware and dishes, sometimes throwing them across the tables. She also makes her presence known with footsteps, cold spots, and restroom doors that... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Places | Real Haunted Nature & Outdoors (ie. Haunted Woods)
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This home was built in 1859 and was converted into a museum in 1962. It was then donated to the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation in 1977. The museum is rumored to be haunted, the spirit of an elderly woman in a mid-1800's dress has been seen wandering through the hallways. Witnesses have also reported feeling cold spots, hearing footsteps and mysterious doors slamming all on... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Museums
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Some say this house was once the site of an exorcism and spirits of a man in a black suit and bow tie have been seen. The sound of a scream has also been heard. Rumor has it that during the renovations in the 1960's, the workers were disturbed by their tools disappearing and eerie feelings of unease. This home is a private residence, no public is allowed to trespass without permission. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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Most of the ghosts that haunt this home date back to the late 1800's and the stories surround two suicides that took place here, although it is claimed that one of the suicides may have been a murder. The home was once owned by Francis Sorrel, who had made one of his slave women his mistress. His wife, Matilda ended up finding out by catching them in the act. She was so distraught that... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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Panola Hall was build in 1854 as a Greek Revival home for Henry Trippe. It has been rumored that the hall was been haunted since the 1870's by a girl named Sylvia. She appears as a shy, silent woman with dark hair and a full white skirt. She can usually be seen in the second-floor bedroom or hallway, or gazing out the window in the living room. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This gorgeous Queen-Anne-style mansion was built for William Kehoe in 1892 and is now a Bed and Breakfast. The home is rumored to have a couple of spirits. Ghosts of children have been seen around the grounds as well as that of the Lady in Gray who reportedly haunts room 203. The lady ghost is said to be sweet and people who have stayed in that room have said their hands have been... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This site is reportedly now out of business but used to be a bed and breakfast. The mansion was built in the 1700's for the mayor, John Brown and has seen some tragedy that could be the reason as to the creepy occurences. A branch broke in the front yard and killed the family's young daughter. Reports say people have seen her swininging from the tree at night and the mother brushing her... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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This hotel was build in 1851 and is said to be Savannah's oldest where many haunts reside. The building was once used as a Civil War hospital and also saw a yellow fever epidemic. Reports have stated that the bones found under the floorboards during renovations were the amputated limbs of soldiers. Weird activity has been known to happen here including faucets and lights working by... Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses | Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This townhome was built back in 1872 and witnesses have reported seeing a tall, shadowy man in a cloak appear from the rooms' dark corners, and then disappear back into them. Ghost activity has also been reported in the dining room and kitchen. This is a private residence, no entrance from the public is allowed. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses
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The site was once the Pope-Walton House and then Anthony's Fine Dining and is now reported to be out of operation. It has been reported that the building is haunted by Annie Barnett, who was married here in 1882. The sound of ghostly children singing have also been reported here. Read More
Categories: Real Haunted Houses