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Early Hill Plantation - Real Haunts in Greensboro GA

  • 1580 Lickskillet Rd.
  • Greensboro, GA
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This site is reportedly now out of business but used to be a bed and breakfast. The mansion was built in the 1700's for the mayor, John Brown and has seen some tragedy that could be the reason as to the creepy occurences. A branch broke in the front yard and killed the family's young daughter. Reports say people have seen her swininging from the tree at night and the mother brushing her hair in the bedroom mirror. A ghostly woman in a rocker can also be seen on the front porch, and slaves' chains can be heard rattling in the basement.
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  • TRUE, but FALSE

    I helped renovate Early Hill into the bed and breakfast many many years ago, and I spent a lot of time there, both with the family who bought it, and by myself... I saw a brunette woman's face looking out at us from the upstairs master bedroom one afternoon while the family was outside playing croquet. I got their attention and pointed out the woman's face (everybody saw it) But the strangest part was when we walked closer towards the house, we noticed that the woman's face was not 'behind' the glass, but was actually 'INSIDE' the glass. As we walked across, we could see the perspective of the face changed in proportion with the perspective of the panel of glass... The face faded away after a couple minutes... I heard all the stories about the alleged ghost of the little girl swinging in the yard (those stories are questionable at best) and I never heard any chains coming from the slave quarters downstairs... The stories of little girls and chains rattling are cliche and predictable... I was never scared to be in the house by myself, even though one day a door opened on the top level upstairs, and as I stood in the doorway of the master bedroom, I actually heard footsteps coming down the stairs and walking past me, turning and heading downstairs into the kitchen area... I prefer to use the term "residual energy" rather than the cliche term "ghost", and apparently the residual energy realized I loved Early Hill, knew who I was, and didn't have a problem with me...

    Posted 2/16/21

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Visitors to this page: 3,748
Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2015 (3369 days ago)

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