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Gribble House - Savannah GA Haunted Place

  • 234 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
  • Savannah, GA
  • (912) 856-4316
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The Gribble House is now a trolley tour warehouse and has been haunted by between 20-30 ghosts. One of the most diabolical murders in Savannah history occured in 1909 at this very location It was a Friday afternoon, three women were brutally murdered with an axe in broad daylight. Today, the home is a Paranormal tour where guests can come and use actual equipment to investigate the place. Voices have been heard, a shadow man is known to be seen running through the warehouse and people have walked out with scratches. A woman that appears in a wedding dress, known as the lady in white has been seen in one of the corners of the warehouse. There is a room known as the "Slave Quarters" (because that is what used to sit here) and it is the place where guests get the most activity. They have reported being told to get out, being touched and having their hair played with.
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  • It really happened

    My son and I visited the Gribble house mapped out in a warehouse. I am an electronics expert. Did not believe it could happen at all. The other people were in the corner area where the house is mapped out. My son asked to use my phone and I directed him away from the people about 60 ft. I inspected the area and told him to have at it. I could not believe my ears ! It took a second to understand the words because it was in a tone that was not normal. Like a whisper but louder and the tone was different. The voice clearly said “ Help Us “ there were other replies to questions, some audible and some not. I had it analyzed. So creepy,

    Posted 7/23/23

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  • The Lady in White 2014

    I I went on your tour in 2014 and the pictures I took I came across one that I am just speechless on that was in the middle of the album labeled sanity break 2014 I would love to send you the picture if you have any way that I could do that it is a picture of the lady in white and two other Spirits it looks like on the side of it

    Posted 5/11/23

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Contact Phone #: (912) 856-4316

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Visitors to this page: 3,363
Clicks to Website: 1
Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2015 (3388 days ago)

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