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Hardin Bridge - Kingston GA Real Haunted Places

  • Hardin Bridge Rd. SW
  • Kingston, GA
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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This old Hardin Bridge is still there, though a new one was built around 2010-2011. The new bridge crosses the Etowah River just next to it. It is rumored that a couple accidentally drove off the old bridge decades ago, and their ghosts still haunt the area. Screams and voiced have been heard, and ghostly headlights have been seen, only to disappear inexplicably.
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  • Actually haunted

    I live nearby, and a friend and family member have both had experiences there. When near the supports at night, a friend heard screeching tires and a woman scream. A family member was driving on the new bridge, and saw headlights above the supports, before they veered into the water. Really wild place.

    Posted 3/31/23

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  • Bridge No Longer There

    A friend and I visited this haunt recently, and sadly I must report that the original bridge is no longer there. A new bridge was constructed in the last several years, and thus the old bridge was phased out as the road was re-routed. All that remains of the bridge is the support pillars that mark it's location. While the bridge is gone, it is situated in a fine spot for putting a tube or kayak in the river, along with a massive gravel parking lot/picnic area by the road. Thus, while not the spookiest venture, the spot is nice for one looking for a fun day/evening on the water or out on a nice day. Thus, I had to give the spot a Poor rating because there is no longer an old Hardin Bridge there. Hopefully this helps save others the disappointment of possibly making a long trip out of it.

    Posted 8/15/20

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  • Fishing trip

    It was one summer night me and my oldest brother was fishing there and we heard tires screching and then a loud splash then a women scream but nothing was there

    Posted 7/14/17

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Visitors to this page: 3,260
Clicks to Website: 151
Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2015 (3388 days ago)

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