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Barnsley Gardens Resort - Adairsville GA Real Haunts

  • 597 Barnsley Gardens Rd.
  • Adairsville, GA
  • (770) 773-7480
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This resort was built back in 1844 by Godfrey Barnsley. The ruins of the mansion are rumored to be haunted by Godfrey himself, his wife Julia, and a Confederate soldier who may be Colonel Robert Earle. Earle was killed on the resort grounds during the Civil War.
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  • I use to work there for 7 years as of 3 months ago.

    Barnsley is a beautiful property. However, it's history is full of mystery, murder, and sudden deaths. Julia, Godfrey Barnsley's wife died before the lavish home was finished. She has been nick named " The guardian of the Gardens" as it has been reported that you can see her ghostly figure in the infamous Barnsley garden that sits in front of the beautifully ruined Manor home. Many guests have reported seeing and hearing unexplainable occurrences. Some leaving in the middle of the night because something had frightened them. With most historic/old buildings or properties comes this type of energy. Especially those with tainted and dark pasts. So it is no surprise that this beautiful property has some " spiritual activity". Many ask me if I have experienced any paranormal activity, or if I believe. Yes, and yes. lol! If you believe in God and the devil, you believe in the spiritual world. I believe that being more open to these "energies" will subject you to more experiences. I have learned that respecting the history of the grounds, not taking anything from here such as flowers, or anything naturally belonging to the property let's "them" know that they are safe and acknowledged. Sounds crazy right?? I know! Outside of the stories, Barnsley is a unique and relaxing place to spend with your friends and family. No worries, the ghost only come out to play every so often. (Kidding) lol! Enjoy!

    Posted 2/14/23

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Contact Phone #: (770) 773-7480

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Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2015 (3365 days ago)

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