
Haunted Montrose Reviews

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  • 1702 Second Street
  • Montrose, GA
  • 478-246-4687
Average Review
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Scare Factor
Appropriate For
Parental discretion advised. It is recommended a parent accompany anyone under the age of 13
Organization Type
Commercial / For Profit
Listing Categories
Haunted Houses, Other Events
Review This Haunt
  • Had a blast

    Great time. We had bought tickets for 8:30 online and were there at 8:15. We waited in line until 9:15 and watched people who just got in the longer line go in the attraction ahead of us. That was super frustrating and is the only reason I may not return.As a whole the attraction was super fun and intense. The actors in the fog were exceptional.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2024

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  • Email Verified WORTH IT!

    Best Haunt I’ve ever been to! Literally worth the money and the drive! Wish it was longer because I loved it so much!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Best haunted house EVER!!

    Haunted Montrose does NOT disappoint! The longest experience we’ve ever had…SOOO GOOD, from starry to end!! The scenes/rooms kept going and going. They even wind you through a haunted corn maze into another slaughter house. MUST See

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

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    0 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Love and totally recommend!!

    This was great!! I’ve been going for 3 years now and they are amazing and better every year. Scares so great, lots of actors and the 3D effects are trippy. Can’t say enough about them.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Length of Event: 31-45 minutes
    Time Visited: 5PM - 9PM
    Would Recommend: Yes
    Suitable For Kids: Yes
    Posted October 2023

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Amazing Haunt

    Everything from the costumes, makeup to acting was phenomenal

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

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    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • TS here scary

    ONG i went through this hoe and my homeboy almost cried ts so fun most def coming baxk

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted September 2023

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Not for the faint of heart!

    Every turn in the many areas had me screaming. 3D area is awesome with the 3D glasses provided. Makeup on the actors looked professional. So much to take I will be back this year. Actors really put their all into their parts. Music was great and appropriate. Felt safe as the actors do not touch you. From the first creepy hospital scene to the chainsaw I was scared and having a ball too. The people there tries very hard to assure you enjoy the experience.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2020

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Had a blast

    Great time. We had bought tickets for 8:30 online and were there at 8:15. We waited in line until 9:15 and watched people who just got in the longer line go in the attraction ahead of us. That was super frustrating and is the only reason I may not return.As a whole the attraction was super fun and intense. The actors in the fog were exceptional.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2024

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

  • Email Verified WORTH IT!

    Best Haunt I’ve ever been to! Literally worth the money and the drive! Wish it was longer because I loved it so much!

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Best haunted house EVER!!

    Haunted Montrose does NOT disappoint! The longest experience we’ve ever had…SOOO GOOD, from starry to end!! The scenes/rooms kept going and going. They even wind you through a haunted corn maze into another slaughter house. MUST See

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    0 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Love and totally recommend!!

    This was great!! I’ve been going for 3 years now and they are amazing and better every year. Scares so great, lots of actors and the 3D effects are trippy. Can’t say enough about them.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Length of Event: 31-45 minutes
    Time Visited: 5PM - 9PM
    Would Recommend: Yes
    Suitable For Kids: Yes
    Posted October 2023

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • Amazing Haunt

    Everything from the costumes, makeup to acting was phenomenal

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2023

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    1 out of 1 found this review helpful

  • TS here scary

    ONG i went through this hoe and my homeboy almost cried ts so fun most def coming baxk

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted September 2023

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Email Verified Not for the faint of heart!

    Every turn in the many areas had me screaming. 3D area is awesome with the 3D glasses provided. Makeup on the actors looked professional. So much to take I will be back this year. Actors really put their all into their parts. Music was great and appropriate. Felt safe as the actors do not touch you. From the first creepy hospital scene to the chainsaw I was scared and having a ball too. The people there tries very hard to assure you enjoy the experience.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted October 2020

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    2 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • Very Scary & Fun

    This so much better than the rest of the haunts. Had great fun. There is a waiting area for those who do not want to go through the haunts and they have a movie playing. Good amount of thought and effort has been put into each scare and you feel it from the very beginning. It was very scary and there were scares of all shapes and sizes. From big ones to small jump scares. Great place and had great fun. Friendly staff and inventive scares will make this place worth visiting.

    Scare Factor:
    Fun Factor:
    Haunt Value:
    Posted November 2017

    Was this review helpful? YES NO

    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

Haunted Montrose
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