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St. Simons Lighthouse - Saint Simons Island GA Real Haunted Place

  • 610 Beachview Dr.
  • Saint Simons Island, GA
  • (912) 638-4666
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This lighthouse was built back in 1872 and is rumored to be haunted. In 1880, lightkeeper Frederick Osborne was shot and killed by his assistant, John Stephens. A story was told in 1908 by the current lightkeeper's wife, who was having trouble with the light mechanism while her husband was away. Irritated that it wasn't working properly, she called out to Mr. Osborne's spirit, and soon his figure working on the machinery. She then fainted and when she came to, the light was working again. The spirit has been seen and his footsteps have been heard many times, keeping an eye on his former workplace and home.
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  • Ghost of Frederic Osborne

    I have investigated the lighthouse and the surrounding area now at least 5 times. My videos are posted on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgGnr4snxDg - Thats the latest. Frederic Osborne clearly occupies the lighthouse. His interactions are that he is clearly annoyed at least with me. So apparently is the Coastal Historical group that manages the lighthouse. They removed all of my contributions on the Lighthouse Wikipedia page. Nonetheless my videos are pretty clear and concise and your can judge for yourself. The jumping off vision from the 10.13.20 post is most likely Lisa Register who jumped off the light house and killed herself in 1999.

    Posted 6/30/22

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  • My date

    I live only 30 minutes from this Lighthouse. A few years ago, I was on a date with my now ex. We were walking along the shore of St Simons Islnd after having just ate dinner. We were only 30 yards from the lighthouse and both witnessed this. We saw a white figure come out of the light room at the top, climb over the rails and jumped off. When the figure was half way down it completely disappeared. We both were like “did you see that?” After a minute of two of trying to figure out what it was, we were like “nope” turned around and walked away. My ex and I have done several paranormal investigations on the island and were t knew to the paranormal, but we just had a weird cold feeling about what we had seen and didn’t want to deal with it. We definitely didnt want to ruin our nice night out so we left it alone.

    Posted 10/13/20

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Last edit to this listing: 1/7/2016 (3368 days ago)

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