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Six Flags Over Georgia - Real Austell Haunt

  • 275 Riverside Pkwy.
  • Austell, GA
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There have been a ton of ghost stories surrounding this amusement park. Some reports say a blonde girl about 9 years old was hit and killed by a car in the 1970's, and she may appear at times asking guests for help, only to then disappear shortly after. At the Crystal Pistol Music Hall, an actor named Joe was killed on his way to work in 1967. Reports have said his ghost has been seen at the edge of the balcony watching performances, and witnesses have seen orbs and heard a man singing after the hall was closed for the evening. Joe has also been blamed for moving props from the stage out to the railroad tracks beside the building. The railroad inside the park is also rumored to be haunted. Spirits dressed in 1800's clothing have been seen crossing the Lickskillet Railroad Bridge. The spirits are believed to be actors in an early Six Flags show that portrayed an 1800's train robbery.
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  • I've seen her!

    When I was about 4 or 5, I saw a little girl about 8 or 9 with long blonde hair wearing a sundress (the 70's looking one that ties on the shoulders) that was white with yellow flowers on it and beige cork sandals. I was sitting with my family on the picnic tables just off to the side in the woods. I was eating my PB&J sandwich when I saw her run by the first time (from R to L). She was frantically running back and forth where the woods and pavement meet. I didn't think much of it at first. Then she ran by again (L to R) calling for her Mommy. The last time I saw her she ran up to a man asking him to help her find her Mommy, and he never looked down at her. He just kept walking and as he did she started walking backwards, begging this man for help. That time I noticed she had an unnatural goldish glow to her. I remember this because it disturbed me as a child as my Mom had always told me if I ever get lost in a store or out in public, to go find an adult and tell them I'm lost and they would help me. That's exactly what she was doing, but no one would help her and that was so scary and disturbing to me (I wandered off a lot as a child). I even asked my Mom why won't anyone help that little girl and she had no idea what I was talking about. That was the last time I saw her. She didn't run by again after that. Fast forward 30 years and I find out online that she was actually a ghost! That's why no one would help her. They didn't see her. The picnic tables are very close to the Amoco gas station where she was killed. This was around 1984 and the gas station I believe has since been torn down.

    Posted 6/5/21

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Last edit to this listing: 12/16/2015 (3365 days ago)

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