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Riverview Hotel - St. Mary's GA Real Haunted Places

  • 105 Osborne St.
  • St. Mary's, GA
  • (912)882-3242
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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The Riverview Hotel is a popular spot for famous people, including Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, Admiral Chester Nimitz and Senator Richard Russell. Room 8 is rumored to be haunted by a male spirit, one time during a power outage, the lights in the room mysteriously stayed on.
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  • Brandon did not like annabelle.

    Me and my fiance have an annabelle doll. Tonight we were trying to take spooky photos of her and while downtown wandered into the hotel. The desk clerk after we told her what we were doing immediately handed us room 8’s key. We walk up and the hall lights immediately shut off and then turn back on while we stand in front of the door. Once the lights are back on we slowly put the key in the door and open the room. The lights in the room immediately turned off and an older male spirit immediately asked what we were doing there. He then looked at the doll and said “get that away from my room. You can’t just barge into peoples rooms. “ the doll then started screaming. Long story short we burned the doll and will never go back.

    Posted 11/6/24

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  • Historic Hotel

    Go there for the history, not the supernatural. Our EMF meter showed nothing out of the ordinary, nor did we experience anything supernatural. The most noise we heard was from the band playing downstairs. But it was a nice stay anyway!

    Posted 7/25/22

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    1 out of 2 found this review helpful

  • This place is haunted

    My family and stayed in room 16 it was going great we were relaxing then we heard a knock at our door so we opened the door thinking it was someone who worked their but there was nothing so we went back to relaxing a few days after there were footsteps at probably 3:30am the was in bed on my phone relaxing the footsteps woke my kids and the next day we all left the hotel also are bathroom doorknob was broke

    Posted 6/12/21

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    3 out of 6 found this review helpful

  • Strange things happen

    my wife and I stayed in room 12 . After dark we were trying to relax and we could change the TV and the ac wouldn't adjust warmer. We tried everything. Finally stopped trying and everything went back to normal. AC adjusted 5 degrees warmer but the TV would only change up to a certain channel. Then my wife got a chill and her miraculous metal fell from her neck. It's got a crab clamp and has to be released. She put it back on and said "OK, whoever you are we are aware you're here. " After about 10 minutes t g e TV would channel to any channel and we slept fine.

    Posted 9/21/20

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    2 out of 3 found this review helpful

  • Red eyes in the bathroom & things that go bump in the night

    We stayed at the Riverview in the summer of 2019. My boyfriend experienced red eyes in the bathroom. I thought he was aying with me at the time he told me about it. He later assured me,, he was very serious.. During the night my Samsung smart watch and charger flew off the nightstand. The nightstand had a glass topper. The bottom of my watch charger is non-skid. My watch charger does not slide. Our room had two double beds. We each slept in our own beds that night. I was sleeping on the side of my bed furthest from my charger. My boyfriend was sleeping on the side of his bed furthest from the nightstand, which was located between the two double beds. All of the sudden at 3:15 a.m., I was awoken by the sound of a thud on the floor. From the sound I knew it had to be my smart watch. A few seconds later I heard a second thud. The way the watch sits on the charger it is impossible for it to come off and fall separately to the floor. It was on the factory charger. In other words it would have to have been picked up off the charger and dropped on the floor. When I turned over and turned on the light, I saw my boyfriend soundly sleeping facing the far side of the room away from the nightstand. My watch was lying in the floor between the two beds. The second thud had been my watch charger. My charger was under the bed and had been unplugged from the USB hub. My best guess as to why a ghost would do that is the bright green light my charger emits when my watch is fully charged. (I guess the ghost didn't like that.) I proceeded to pick up my watch, lay it on the nightstand, say the Lord's Prayer and turn over and go back to sleep.

    Posted 4/27/20

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    7 out of 8 found this review helpful

  • dog was afraid woofed all night long

    i stayed last week in room 14-15 right across the hall from room 20 where the three sisters are. He wouldnt go into the room at first then he woofed with fear all night long....

    Posted 11/25/19

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    5 out of 5 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 1/18/2016 (3335 days ago)

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